Our Vision and mission
Our Nation has turned out to be one of the most influential Nations among the fellow countries of Asia in just a few years. All this became possible only because of the collective and cordial efforts of the Central and State govt.
India is on the path of never before deliverance and re-claiming the past glory that has been stolen by colonial countries and Anti-national bodies that pulled us many years back. India is now on the right track and trusted like never before. Here to remember Uttar Pradesh that amazed the whole nation with its rapid transformation. Uttar Pradesh is considered as a state of Law and order, multifold progress and centre of financial stability. Have set numerous uncountable examples of Good Governance.
From a troubled and terrified state to a Tough and Terror Free- Zero Riot State- Uttar Pradesh Emerged as Golden Phoenix – all intact from fire of riots, mafia raj, poverty, discrimination, inequality, fear, rage, corruption, nepotism and much more. Uttar Pradesh is empowered like never before and has gained International fame. Uttar Pradesh is a state of Focus for many countries. Have shown their interest in setting up Industries in Uttar Pradesh. MOU’s more than 33 lakh crores was signed in our last Investor’s Summit in just 3 days. Uttar Pradesh is a money magnet now. There we see, a never before confidence, pride to be a UP wala you ask any resident around. There is tremendous growth in every business / private / Govt. sector of Pradesh. Today the world knows the potential of Uttar Pradesh and we honour it as Uttam Pradesh. Undoubtedly It is The best and Influential state India has ever had in ages.
Our vision is to represent the truthful image of Uttar Pradesh aca. “Uttam Pradesh- Dil Hindustan ka”, its news and views pulse, citizens, strength, weakness and challenges, culture, legacy and bond between diverse communities, beliefs and beauty. Our mission is to be credible, trustworthy, essential news sources that Indians turn to first, and to be news leaders and innovators.
Our Global News Values
- collaborative
- honest
- trustworthy
- innovative
- adaptable
- unique
- factual
Our News Promise
- to be right before being first
- to be connected to all Indians
- to celebrate our incredible Indian culture and communities
- to share Indians common values globally
- to share with world what makes us proud and uniquely Indians
- to tell stories of Progressive New India, Growth, Challenges, heroism and triumph
- to investigate and hold power to account
- to be trustworthy and fair
- to show the world what a Right Governance can do. How a visionary leadership can change the fate of a drowning state by taking it from dirt to sky with its honest efforts and using the Law & Order / manpower / resources at its best.
- to let the world know how a fair, equal and noble distribution of amenities and opportunities can change the lives of millions of people.
Uttam Pradesh News Journalistic Principles and Practices
Our primary directive is to report accurate, balanced, timely and comprehensive news and information in the public interest.
Independence is a fundamental Uttam Pradesh News value. We will resist attempts at censorship or pressure to alter news content, real or apparent.
Integrity, fairness and transparency are at the foundation of our newsgathering process. We are committed to reporting news without distortion or misrepresentation.
Getting it right is more important than getting it first. Our journalistic standards will not be compromised by the deadlines and pressures of 24-hour news.
We will not formulate news content based on our own personal cultural beliefs, opinions, corporate influences or those of anyone else engaged in its preparation or delivery.
News events and public issues may be analyzed and put into context, as long as commentary or opinion is clearly identified and kept distinct from regular news coverage.
Uttam Pradesh News strives to reflect the diversity of Indian society in the hiring of on-air employees, behind-the-scenes editorial decision makers, and our choices of interview subjects, experts, analysts and commentators.
Factors such as race, national or ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, marital status, and physical or mental disability will be reported when relevant to news coverage.
We are committed to removing impediments and bans on the reporting of news in the public interest.
Clandestine reporting will only be employed when necessary to ensure the accuracy of stories in the public interest.
The Rights of the Media
The fundamental rights of the media are guaranteed in the Indian constitution. no more or no less than any individual to write, publish, circulate and broadcast information. The press derives this right from the right to freedom of speech and expression in Article 19(1) (a) of the constitution of India 1950.
“Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms, freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and to use other media of communication such as print, recordings, cinema, radio, television, the internet and cell phone in the righteous manner benefitting the masses by sharing non-alterated facts in stative form”.
Importance Of Freedom Of Press and Media Laws In India
Let’s see the importance of Freedom Of Press In India, say media laws in India from different perspectives:
Strengthening a nation: Free media works towards strengthening the sovereignty and integrity of a nation.
Fundamental to a democratic society: The freedom of press is fundamental to a democratic society like India for it is helpful in strengthening democracy.
Check on Government and Administrators : An independent press and news-media press acts as an important check on Government and Administrators.
Voice against any social ill or wrong: It is also responsible to raise voice against any social ill or wrong.
Acts for the public : At national, regional and local level, it is the public’s voice, activist and guardian as well as educator, entertainer and contemporary chronicler.
Source of information : Unbiased information is important for a democracy and its growth. Media helps in providing critical information to citizens. E.g data on economy, health, education etc. must be correct and accurate without any bias toward the government.
Educate : Media is important to educate people on issues that are of utmost importance for society. E.g Increasing number of rape cases are threat to society. It is important to report the exact number of cases and help in sensitising the society.
Awareness : Media makes society aware of their democratic rights and fights the three institutions of democracy.
Third Eye : Media reporting on public affairs and investigations into wrongdoing in the administration of public affairs is a must for a healthy democracy. This includes exposing frauds or corruption cases that personally benefit politicians. This helps citizens to vote for the best government, defeating corrupt and dishonest governments.
Good Governance: Media plays an important role in auditing government policies and spending. An unbiased media is important for transparent reporting
Ethical Code of Professional Conduct
The professional conduct of our employees should enhance the reputation, credibility, esteem and character of Uttam Pradesh News and the practice of journalism. Employees will conduct themselves on and off the job in such a way as to avoid any perception of bias or conflict of interest. Journalists should:
- Remain professionally detached and fair, balanced and complete when reporting the news so as not to influence the outcome of events. This does not preclude the practice of advocacy journalism in the public interest
- Not deliberately engage in deception or attempt to mislead sources when asked to identify themselves, except in rare circumstances of overriding public interest
- Not deliberately deceive or mislead a source as to the context or purpose of a story to convince the source to comment or provide information
- Honour intellectual property and copyright laws
- Properly attribute news content from other sources and not plagiarize
- Use confidential sources only when there is an overriding public interest and when sources legitimately require their identities be concealed When we do grant anonymity, we will disclose to the readers why we have done so
- Not make their work available to sources or other media prior to broadcast or publication by Uttam Pradesh News without management approval
- Not use official titles or positions in any attempt to leverage the authority and credibility of Uttam Pradesh News to resolve personal matters or obtain financial advantages not available to the public
- Not use Uttam Pradesh News credentials to gain access to events they are not officially covering
- Refrain from interviewing close relatives or friends, including freelance and contract. Exceptions would include other employees, relatives or friends who witness breaking news events
- Obey all Legal, fredral, provincial and municipal laws when conducting professional activities.